Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Happy Anniversary Grandma and Grandpa!

This is the story of a cake and a marriage -- both are perfectly imperfect. This wonderful masterpiece was the mastermind of my dear sister-in-law who thought it would be fun for the grandkids to make an anniversary cake for my parents. Each child made a layer with the oldest making the largest layer on the bottom and the youngest getting a little help with the smallest layers. The cake was made and held together the same way my parents marriage was built and lasted all these years--It was made with lots of love- lots of work -lots of laughter, a few tears and some raised voices - but in the end it was perfectly imperfect. It is true that somebody else could have made a cake more beautiful and tasty with less tears, less work, less raised voices~~~ but were would the love be in that? The same is true in the marriage I have followed all my life - you may be able to find one that looks better from the outside but I have seen how marriage is built on work, tears, raised voices, laughter and lots of love. My parents could not have found a better cake in the entire world than the one their grandkids made, tasted, sneezed in, licked and smooshed together.

All the grandchildren with the exception of the one in Jenny's belly*

Julianna (4 months) getting in on the action

Gretchen (3) enjoying some frosting

Jonathan (3) tasting his layer

Celia (1) doing her layer.

Josie age 5 doing the next layer.

Gwyneth Age 7 doing the bottom layer.

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